We are appreciated in the market for manufacturing, supplying and exporting an excellent stock of Price Computing Machine. Offered range is widely used in small and medium shops, retail outlets, sweet shops and vegetable shops. Our machine has a good LED display with quick measurement capacity. Offered range has facility to take printouts with details of tax add, tax included and net amount. Our clients can avail Price Computing Machine from us at affordable prices.
Further Details:
Inbuilt thermal printer, paper width 57 mm, maximum dia 39 mm.
Owner display : LED, 5 digit for weight, LCD 16x2, for Item Name, Rate & Amount.
Inbuilt RTC.
Rs232 Port.
PS2 Keyboard Port.
Weight Capacity & accuracy, any 3 slabs. (Capacity : 10/20/30 kg, Division : 1/2/5 gm)
500 Item / Material Rate and code stored. 30 Hotkeys.
Kg/Lt/Piece mode. Qty can be entered directly in piece mode.
5 definable tax slabs (VAT, Service Tax, Additional Tax, Discount Extra)
Discount, % discount, Extra amount on bill functions.
Direct weights slip print.
Multiple 28 Item weight in One slip and more item in next page print with item name print.
Bill Print with details for tax add, tax included etc.
Amount day report (Revenue report for a day).
Item Day report (Item sale report for a day).
Item Date wise report (Item sale report for last 10 days).
Item Downloading from PC to Indicator to PC in Excel format.
Piece count mode (Weight Unit weight Pieces made)
Weight record mode for loading /unloading work at factories / ware houses.
Multi customer support (up to 4 customer at a time).
Application: Techno Price computing allows user to do price calculate, Amount Accounting, Stock Accounting, Billing and Tax Calculation, Printing of Bill and Report. It is widely suitable for small and medium shop, Retail Outlet, Sweet Shop, Vegetable Shop, Industries etc.